Oh my have I ever got the fever. Spring Fever has set in. I cant think or concentrate on one thing let alone on everything I need to get done.
I have project after project just sitting on the side lines screaming at me... "pick me up, just touch me once and I promise not to feel neglected".
But I just can't focus! You see here in the Puget Sound we do get a bit of rain. And when we don't ☀I just need to soak up the sun.
And my poor yard is such a mess and how can I possibly stay inside and sew?
And then there are events and shows and more shopping for fabric for the next project... Oh such a vicious circle and it is making me feverish for sure.
It is a wonder that I get anything done at all. But I have not given up and will not give in. I have lots of time to redirect myself, clean up the quilty space, pick up my beloved fabric and smother it will pins and needles. And maybe I will have a quilt to show in July.
Oh I hope so..... I'll keep you posted. Until then, love to you!
Marianne aka Apiecedheart 💗
An occasional blog from me, Marianne, to share my adventures in quilting and creations with fabric.
Who me?

- A Pieced Heart
- Laketown, WA
- Welcome to my blog. Fabric has always been a passion of mine! I love looking, touching, feeling, smelling and of course creating with fabric. I was a professional seamstress for 13 years and now sew for relaxation and the pure joy of seeing a finished creation. It is my hope to share my triumphs and temptations with you. Love to all. MB aka apiecedheart.